Sunday, January 27, 2008

Al Mahdi Al Muntazer Is Fired.

If Imam Al Mahdi to come today he will be fired at site. From my reading of Islamic prophecies he will be a politician and not a military guy. Through knowledge, wisdom and a lot of politics he will gather people for a peaceful coexistence. These are my reasons why he either quit or fired at site if he to come today:1- Arab moderates are giving in to the west and Arab tyrants and will not push for drastic changes.2- Extremists would inflame the Middle East and terror against the west would play well for the west agenda to maintain the status quo and the status of the Arab leaders.3- The Iranian hard-liners are not helping to get a lot of moderates in the west and Israel to advance our cause for peaceful coexistence and proclaim the Islamic values of peace and justice.4- Hamas and Fath are doing everything possible to undermine the cause of the Palestinian people. That is why I continue to be a strong disbeliever of the party system particularly in the Arab world.5- The west would support El Mahdi agenda but for only limited progress and suppress him as long as they can. People daily life in the Arab world is a hell of life already. I do not think a regular American will not feel for them.6- Still the hope is the west since a lot of people have close mentality to his, I hope they do not fire him as well.7- The time of tribulation is man-made and is due to people going in different directions with no considerations to the others and lack of belief of very comprehensive agenda.